Sunday, July 5, 2009

Capturing the Light

It is still about the light. My eye catches something that looks interesting to me, and it usually is about shapes created with light and shadow. I want to catch that with my camera. If I look there are bits and pieces of photographs everywhere. Not everything I take is worth a second look. But sometimes what I saw...what drew me to just that scene comes through and I want to show it to others.

In the Botanical Garden at Balboa Park, I saw an interesting plant...or flower...I don't know what it is. The sunlight was shining down creating shadows and splashes of bright color. We were doing bw but I knew that this one was going to be color. I took a few photos and then the sun slowly moved to light up the edges of a greenish leaf with a bright red rim. I had to capture that. I snapped away and was lucky to get one that I liked...I was not using auto focus and with my eyesight getting a clear photo is sometimes a problem.

Then the sun moved a bit and the light no longer fell just right to illuminate the leaf edge. Still I had captured a moment in time that may not ever be there again. I haven't gotten to where I can easily set up lights and create my own scenes though I have done so. I don't usually see in my mind what I want to photograph before the fact and when I do I am often not all that happy with the results. I may get there someday...

A child's smile, a certain rose, the light falling on a leaf, we can find these again but maybe not quite like the first time. If I have a passion with this thing called photography it is capturing the light and a moment in time.

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