Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I Was Booted Off

A photo group I joined a couple of months ago has theme challenges. When posting a photo for the theme the name of the theme needs to be posted too. The winner of the theme is determined by likes recieved. One photo that I really liked got the most likes. The theme was song title. The photographer wrote a song title but forgot the words "song title" With a warning she could have changed that in seconds by editing the name on her photo. No one noticed. The group owners could have warned her but they didn't.

They put another photo, which was posted by the other group owner as the winner...which I didn't think was very fair anyway. I made a comment about the situation only saying that another photo had more likes. I really didn't say that much, but the owner wasn't happy that I even mentioned it so he deleted my comment. Dumb me...I thought I had forgot to post it...I've done that before so rewrote the post.

URF I was booted off. I think that he knows that he did the wrong thing about this and was over sensitive when I brought it up. He claimed that he wrote to me twice before booting me off the group, and he did write two long messages that I read after I posted the second time. His second message was written after I was booted...said that they were sending me to the cornfield. 
He suggested that I needed a time out. My granddaughter laughed at that! I'm not going to rejoin the group.

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