Wrote about my tallest palm hit by lightening. Today it came down. A friend of Hailey's dad climbed the tree. The tree waved back and forth as the climber went higher. The climber went far up above the burned area of the trunk.
He tied a rope to the trunk and the other end of the rope was tied onto our little tractor. Then he began to cut the tree with a small chain saw.
The top of the palm landed just inside our fence.
My drive is lined with palms. The neighbor next to my drive on the other side would like to see them all taken down. I just can't do it. Part because of the expense and part because I love to see them there. Then the neighbor's is at least eight feet higher than my drive and taking out the palms on his side would make a mess out of his bank. He doesn't realize that the trees were there before his house pad was graded and his house built. Taking out the trees and stumps would take the stability away from his side yard.
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