The rain seems to be over for a few days. Last weeks rain storm broke some records...though I don't know exactly what...maybe more rain on the date than was recorded for the same date in the past. Anyway everything is turning green. I looked on Google Earth for Eucalyptus Hills and saw that the photos were updated last August. Everything looks so brown. My pool shows up now...the photos from before showed the above ground pool and we took that down in the spring of 09. I posted photos on my blog when we dug out the old in ground pool. It was so much work and not really worth it. My daughter wanted it so bad and this last summer she moved out of the little house so I don't even see her very often. Hailey only swam a few times and I didn't at all. Since my heart attack I'm a little scared to do much of anything...well it is always cold when first getting into the pool. Maybe next year I will feel better about going in the pool...
My birthday is in Novemember and E.R. asked me what I wanted...I said peace and quiet. He said he didn't have enough money to give me that. Living in the same house with someone that is schizophrenic is sometimes very stressful. Dave has been pretty good the last few days after about two weeks of misery. Then there is Hailey's dad living out in the travel trailer with his ho ho. They fight all the time. URF!
I looked through my old photos and found some of my palms. The tallest tree really stands out and now it is gone. Here are a few of the photos. The first one was from about five years ago. I stood in the rain to get the photos of the rainbow over the palms...I had my umbrella tucked under my left arm while I held my camera.

This was a pretty sunset. We seldom see pretty sunsets as there are hills in that direction and most sunsets are below our horizon. I've posted one of these before if it looks familiar.
Today E.R. John and Dave took down the rest of the palm tree. now it is laying in the yard in pieces. I went out and looked at the top the other day and think that the fire probably would not have killed it. The trunk looked very solid even where it was badly burned. I guess it is better to have taken it down than to risk someone's life or property if it fell in a wind storm though.
I look out and don't see it now and still expect it to be there. I think from my photos you can see just how much this palm will be missed by me.
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