Monday, October 25, 2010


Expected to really see some sunshine this morning but woke up to more rain. I think this is going to be a rainy winter. We haven't had a rainy winter for a few years. It is not that I don't like rain. It gives us green grass and makes things grow...I just like sunshine more. I spent one winter in Washington state. I was a freshman in highschool then. We had lots of cold and snow. That winter was one of the coldest they ever had. My sister and I got to walk down the road to the school bus stop in snow. The first morning that we woke up to snow was beautiful and very quiet. Everything outside looked like a Christmas card. We were from SoCal and it was new to us. We had spent several summers in Washington state but this was our first winter...and our last though we didn't know that at the time.

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