Saturday, April 23, 2011

Second Look

A few more photos from WAP 09. The flight cage where the birds are is a mixture of sun and dark shade. It is hard to get the camera settings just right. The bird photos were taken in both jpg and in raw. The photos were very dark so I overlooked them. At the time was more interested in the butterfly photos. Going back to the dark raw photos I opened them in Photoshop raw converter. Using the sliders I found that I had taken some nice photos. Here are two of them.

Sleeping lions. At a later visit I got some better shots of this big guy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

San Diego Wild Animal Park Visit back in 09

Elizabeth, Hailey, Ashleigh, and me went to the park to see the butterflies. I posted these photos in another blog that sadly bit the dust. We stood in line for a long time even though we went on a week day and got there early. The butterflies were wonderful and I would have stayed a lot longer but the girls seen it done it and wanted to go on to something else...teens!

Last year I was recovering from some healt probs...Hopefully I will get to visit the butterflies this year...

Where's the Sun?

After a few beautiful warm sunny days we have slipped back into overcast and cold. Hailey went swimming in our pool three days in a row and thought she would swim through her spring break. Monday the sun was gone. I feel so much more cheerful on sunny days.

I took these the other day when the sun was shinning and the day was springtime beautiful.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Summer's Past with Hailey and Jackie

We had a rainstorm and snow in the mountains on Friday. Saturday was a blustery day. Partial clouds and windy, still we went to Summer's Past in the afternoon. It was cold. We had hot coffee in the patio area...Hailey had hot chocolate. There was a small plant on the table and a butterfly that we thought was fake. I looked at it and it seemed real so we thought it was dead. Then if fluttered it's wings and fell to the table.

While Hailey and Jackie checked out the gift shop I walked around taking photos of the flowers. Spring is a lovely place at Summer's past. Earlier in the day there had been a sweet pea picking for three dollars a bunch. We missed most of the sweet peas.