Sunday, April 10, 2011

Summer's Past with Hailey and Jackie

We had a rainstorm and snow in the mountains on Friday. Saturday was a blustery day. Partial clouds and windy, still we went to Summer's Past in the afternoon. It was cold. We had hot coffee in the patio area...Hailey had hot chocolate. There was a small plant on the table and a butterfly that we thought was fake. I looked at it and it seemed real so we thought it was dead. Then if fluttered it's wings and fell to the table.

While Hailey and Jackie checked out the gift shop I walked around taking photos of the flowers. Spring is a lovely place at Summer's past. Earlier in the day there had been a sweet pea picking for three dollars a bunch. We missed most of the sweet peas.


Anonymous said...

The photographs of the flowers are all lovely!

Jean E said...

Dot -- Please send me an email ( Are you up for going back to Mission Trails this Thursday? jean

summerz said...

Such lovely colors.
WE STILL have snow here and there...grrr.
Even after a morning t-storm and pouring rains.
At least it's warmer.
Might be a short summer here in the northeast.