Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Photoshopping Board

We had a great flower challenge. Many pretty pictures. I made a page for the winners though so far only one person has done an acceptance speech. And it wasn't me. I need to do one. Joanne won twice. She does such nice work. I was happy with the way it came out. NIK did the voting form and counted up the votes. Also very happy to have won for a pure photo of an apple blossom.

The spammers have caught up with the board again. The board is fixed now so that I have to approve membership before they can post. Hopefully I will continue to recognize the spammers and delete them before they ever post anything. It is lots easier that way...still I have to go to the trouble of zapping them. One spammer rejoined after I deleted him the first time. Just didn't get the message! Even when they know they can't ever post they think that just getting their web page or message in the member list is doing something. If this wasn't my board I would seldom look at the member list. I don't think anyone else does either.

A few more members from Janee's board have joined and I've a few new people too.

The new May challenge starts tomorrow. I've already put up the page for it. It should be a fun challenge too.

I finally got E.R. a computer so that I can have this one to myself. In case anyone doesn't know about my bad temper...last year he was complaining to me about his computer and our grandson Cody using it like it was my fault and that I should do something about it. The computer was hanging up from all the programs and stuff like My Space and too much being open at once. It might have gotten a virus. I reinstalled the operating system and it seemed fine for awhile. Then Cody got back on it and all the problems started over. Finally it just got on my nerves and since I had bought the darn thing to start with I threw it out the door and ruined it. I warned E.R. that I was going to toss out the computer and he said to go ahead. I really don't think he thought I would really do it.

Anyway I need to get the new computer set up so I can put mine somewhere else. I wanted to get the voting and the new challenge started before I move everything. It might take me a day or so to get back online.

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