Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Shooting in jpg or raw or Both

Taking photos in both jpg and raw gives a greater choice in processing and in choosing the best version of the photo. The first picture is the original jpg as it came from the camera. I did use the vivid setting. The second photo is the raw version saved in jpg without any other changes. The third photo was processed in Adobe Camera Raw plugin for Photoshop. The photos were reduced in actual size for showing on the net.


Ludwig said...

Do you ever find that the JPG is preferable to what you get from RAW? Is it a matter of time processing the RAW image?

dotcombs said...


I don't mind the processing. I do like taking photos in both formats to give me a choice and often like the jpg just fine. Still if a photo is too dark or has other problems it is great to have the raw much easier to fix.