Friday, September 9, 2011

Blacked Out

Yesterday was really hot! I drove down the hill to pick Hailey up from school and it was 104 F. That had gone up a degree by the time I got over to El Cajon. Then we drove through Lakeside to stop for some fast food and it was 107. URF! I bought a cup of iced coffee for me. Back home I turned on the TV to watch the Closer. Right in the middle of the drama the power went out. I thought that someone had hit a power poll. That happens on our curvy narrow roads up here. So after a few minutes Hailey, Dave, and I, decided to drive around. We learned from the car radio that there was a county wide blackout. The small stores at the bottom of the hill both closed and couldn't get any ice. Lots of traffic on the roads. We found out later it was because so many people left work when the electricity went out.

We came back home and found a small radio. That kept us updated on the black out. The house was too hot to stay in and even though it was still hot outside the wind was blowing and it was the better choice. We sat in the shade on the front patio. Hailey worked on a project for class. She needed pictures. So she drew them. That kept her busy. It went dark and cooled off. I brought out candles and flashlights and Hailey kept working on the pictures. We talked and the time went by. I told her that she could now say that she had done homework by candle light.

About 9:30 we decided to go in. Hailey started reading using a flashlight. I went to sleep. Then at 12:40 am the lights came on and woke me up. The blackout was over.

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