Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

Decided to eat oatmeal every morning. The regular kind that you have to cook on the stove. My greatgrandfather ate oatmeal every morning and he lived to be 97 years old. Today I realized that I can't just put something on the stove and then do something else for a few minutes. I did save the oatmeal but it was stuck to the bottom of the pan pretty good. I used to have better built in timing for cooking back when I did really cook big meals. That was a lot of years ago.

Have wanted to start one of these blogs for a long time. My biggest problem is that my life needs some censoring. It is not x-rated at all. It is just sometimes more than people want or need to know about. I don't know how to do this without putting in some of the not so good stuff. My oldest son, David, is schizophrenic and that brings special problems to our lives. I have a small house on my place and my son lived there with his dad. Dad and me have been seperated since 1883. Actually when I bought this place from my father's trust my son and his dad were already living here in the little house renting from my stepmom. Last year my daughter moved back to California and now she and her son live in the little house. That means my son and his dad are now sharing our house.

Before it was just Hailey and me. Hailey is my granddaughter and I've raised her since she was 18 months old. Back then I was the resident manager of a self storage place. Hailey is the daughter of my youngest son and his wife...maybe she still is. Haven't seen her since Hailey was two years old...youngest son has problems of his own.

Hailey will be 14 next week...teenagers...I love her dearly but this teen age thing is a bit much.

When we found out about David's illness, I got some books and read all about mental illness. He was on medication and counseling. That didn't last. The meds made him feel sick and the counseling only lasts so long. We are lucky that we can give him a place to live and that most of the time he is not that hard to live with. Not saying it is all easy going. David is a very kind person. He was when he was a child and that hasn't changed. I sometimes get angry at TV shows that use the term schizo and portray the mentally ill as...well you know what...I can't write the words.

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