Friday, March 18, 2011

Moon Rise

Tomorrow the moon is going to be closer to the earth than it has been in about 19 years. It will look 14 % larger than usual. It will be a great photo op. Here though they say it will be raining tomorrow night and if not rain at the least cloudy. I will be out with my camera if I can but just in case I took some photos of the moon tonight.

I started as the moon rose behind a neighboring eucalyptus tree. My camera is the Olympus E3 and the lens is my 500mm bigma. I used a tripod.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Julian California with Snow!

Julian is a lovely old town in the Cuyamaca Mountains east of San Diego. Julian began as a gold mining town and became a farming community. Julian is famous for apples. Snow in Julian doesn't happen every winter. We had cold rain storms with snow in the mountains two week ends in a row. People flock to the mountains when it snows and both weekends saw hoards of people and their children running around in the snow as seen on the TV news. Today the skys cleared and the people went back to work and the children back to school. We drove up to see the snow. The first photos are at a lookout east of Julian with a view toward the desert.

We decided to drive back through Julian as we had not stopped on our way through...I wanted to take photos there.

Then I saw this pretty little school on the way back towards Santa Ysabel

The Julian Pie Company has a store at Santa Ysabel so we stopped to buy an apple pie. It was still warm from the oven and smelled like cinamon and apples. The Julian Pie Company makes wonderful yummy pies with light flaky crusts. Their apple pie is the total best!

We took a small detour to see the Mission.


We decided to drive home through Wild Cat Canyon. We took another detour up to the Country Estates and got a good view of the snowy mountain.

After we got back home from our little day trip we enjoyed a hot cup of coffee and  fresh apple pie.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Morning Sky

After the rain...My mini view toward the east

The weather should be clear until Friday. There is lots of snow in the mountains but not worth taking the drive up there. Today is a holiday and there will be tons of people tramping over everything. Then lots of traffic up and back.

The first time we ever went to the snow, I was about five years old. No freeways back then and the drive back was slow and miserable. I do remember seeing the snow and finding out it was cold. We were bundled up but no one in southern California would have the best clothing for the snow. My hands were very cold and we didn't stay very long. I didn't see snow again until the winter we spent up in Washington. That was when I really found out how cold snow really is. We had to walk about half a mile to the bus stop. Most of the girls had mittons but not us. Our coats were not heavy as we brought them from raincoats which would have kept the wind from blowing through our clothing and I remember just being miserable.

When we were back in California I remember that our high school would thin out the day after snow in the mountains.

Anyway if I do get up to see the snow will post some photos here.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Rain makes everything green. My yard looks like a park from the rain we had a few weeks ago and then the sunny days we have had last month and up to day before yesterday. Without some more rain the green would turn to brown dirt and dust. So I am always happy to see it rain here. I don't know how long this will last...but have heard a few complaints all ready!

Spring is always my favorite time. I think that is true for most people no matter where they live. Here there is such a big difference between spring and summer. In summer everything turns brown. Google Earth updated the photos of this area last August and it was a surprise to me at how brown everything looked though I do live here. Seeing it from space shows the dry we really live in. People might wonder why we don't get out the garden hoses and sprinklers. Water is expensive. If we use too much we must pay a penality for the extra used over our limit. So let it rain!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lovely Day

Spent some time kicking back at Summer's Past with glass of iced tea and Jackie. We both enjoyed the tea and conversation. Then we visited the gift shop. I bought some spring flower seeds and am looking forward to putting in a garden. I only hope I don't loose it to my husband's weed eater...that has happened! I said as much to the clerk and she told me that her husband thought her sweet peas were weeds and pulled them all up. We have to plant sweet peas before Christmas if we want flowers for spring. They like cooler weather than we have in summer. So it is now too late for her to replant.

Jackie went to the soap shop while I wandered around a bit and took some photos. Hopefully am not taking the same photos over. There is lots of photo ops there.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Spring is Busting Out!

Photos from around my yard. The news is making a big thing about our sunny winter weather, but it is not often like this in January and February. When it is though we really enjoy our sunny days.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Orange Tree

We have a small orange tree that has the most amazing oranges this winter.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What Can We Do?

After the tragedy in Tucson there is again going to be lots of talk about the mentally ill and what to do about someone that seems dangerous or maybe a little off balance. Years ago our laws changed. We cannot lock up the mentally ill if they don't want to be locked up. We cannot make them take meds if they do not want to take meds! I have written some about my son with schizophrenia. Living with someone with schizophrenia day to day can be very stressful. Some days he seems just like everyone else. Then there are days he rants and raves through the house about being poisoned...the air is poison...the food is poison... Not fun. When someone is mentally ill like my son they can seem so normal. They can have rational conversations. Yet we need to watch what we say. They can take something said out of context. It is easy to forget and we must not ever forget that we are talking to someone that has a brain that doesn't think the way we do.

As parents we raise a child we love. They are cute and lively and wonderful. The care about animals. They do well in school. They have friends. Then sometime in their late teens that slowly changes. They become someone else. We still love them and we don't know what to do. My son went to counseling and took meds. That doesn't last. So as his mother I sort of became his counselor. I listen to him and when his ideas get too strange I tell him no. That is not how it is. I have always told him that he does not have the right to hurt anyone else. He has to try to understand that most people out in the world are doing their own thing and are not concerned with giving him poison or in any way harming his life. It is a never ending process. I feel like I walk a thin line. My son is basically a kind person. I am not saying that what I do would work with every child that becomes schizophrenic. Still listening and talking does help.

I have no idea what there is for parents when they know the child they raised and loved becomes mentally ill and seemingly dangerous. Dangerous is hard to prove. There are no facilities for the dangerously mentally ill. As a society we have to wait until they commit a serious killing people...and then send them to prison.

If as a society we give the parents of the mentally ill no help, no way to get their child help, how can we point fingers at them? How can we say they didn't do something. Like what?

Our San Diego news paper did a story about a homeless young woman that was found dead in a park here. They interviewed her stepmother in another state. When the girl's father was alive he would find a hospital for her when her illness got out of control. This happened over and over and cost the father a lot of money. The stepmother resented the girl and felt that the girl could stop being a problem if she wanted to. The father died and the stepmother blamed the girl for breaking her father's heart. No more hospitals or help and the girl was truly homeless and it isn't safe for women on the street. She met up with the wrong person and was raped and murdered.

The mentally ill have committed crimes and when caught are sent to prison. Still I truly believe that when the mentally ill have no family to help them or provide a home for them they are much more likely to become victims of crime. It is a burden I would never wish on another family.