Thursday, October 15, 2009

Health Insurance

It is wrong that healh costs bring profits to insurance companies. Until we rethink this situation we will never have health care reform.

Because health care costs went up in the last half of the twentieth century, it left an opening for insurance companies to make money. The insurance companies could scare people into buying health insurance to protect their assets in case of serious illness. So just as they would buy life insurance or fire insurance they bought health care insurance. It seemed to make sense for employers to provide group health insurance to employees. The cost is then shared by the employer and by each employee. It  and makes health care more aforable for a large group of people. It also gives the insurance companies another way to make money. They would not provide this insurance unless there was a profit. It seems like a win win situation until you think about where much of the money is really going. And it is not for actual health care.

Insurance made it easy for health care providers to raise costs. Some of the money went to health care employee salaries and benefits. More of the money went to make doctors very rich. They were no longer the middle class workers they once were. Anytime there is a pile of  money there is abuse. Doctors and hospitals both added costs above the insurance payments so that the insured would still have to shell out.

I would like to know what makes insurance companies think they have a right to skim off money that should go to health care? Our government needs to take the profit out of health insurance, so that the money paid in by the people for care goes into a fund that will actually pay for the care we need. Workers pay into the social security system and workers could just as well pay into a government health care program that would benefit all. Income taxes can have a portion used for a health care fund. After all our income taxes and property taxes already provide health care for large groups of people that need care and cannot pay. Health care for the rest of us would be a better use for our tax money than spending it on stupid wars that are making this country broke and broken.

We are told that a government run health care system would deny care. Isn't that what insurance companies do every day? We would have a much better chance with a government run program than we do with an assortment of insurance companies. Let them go back to selling other types of insurance. Get them out of the health care business.

The motives of every insurance executive and health care provider should be looked at before we give up on a government run program that would bring health care to everyone.


Topazdan said...

Dorothy, is there any other product you buy which you think the provider (manufacturer) should offer to you for no profit? You may be surprised to learn that almost everything around you was created by a profit oriented company. Less than 3% of your insurance premiums go to profit. Profit is not the cause of high health costs.

dotcombs said...


Profit is not a bad thing...the profit motive makes this country work. But there has to be limits. And there is a long history of doing just that by the laws our government has passed to curb business practices.

Insurance is not a product. It is a bet. You pay and hope that if you need help the money will be there. The insurance companies take your money and hope you won't need it back. They also invest the money to make more.

When insurance companies control health care it means that often people are denied care. It often means that people are made to pay above the amount that insurance companies will pay. We need to do something different because our system is a mess and the insurance companies haven't helped.

Insurance companies are the biggest land owners in the US other than the states and the federal government...and are also one of the biggest money lenders. If they lend too much out and don't get paid back or invest in failing companies what do you get when you need your medical bills paid?

And if you think that the only health care costs you pay is for yourself and your family you are wrong. Some of your tax money just like the taxes we all pay go to take care of those without medical the tune of millions of dollars.

The government is all ready in the health care business. It is called Medicade. And the working person pays twice and gets less.