Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We don't have enough water in Southern California. Now the water districts have demanded that we cut back ten percent of our past use for the same month last year. We will pay a higher rate for the water we use over our limit.

Building is still going on...new houses and apartments or condos...and where is the water coming from to support all these new homes? Is it from the ten percent we must give up? Or does it even exisit? We had a well when I was growing up in Lakeside. I was a grown woman before there was city water down our road. If it were not for city water that area would still be farm land and dairies with a few scattered houses. Now it is wall to wall houses up one side of the road and down the other. It breaks my heart to see it. I'm glad I don't live there anymore.
I lived in five different houses on that road from the time I was a baby until we left when my children were still in grade school. They say you can't go home again and it is true even when you only move a few miles away.

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