Friday, February 8, 2008

Early Morning Spammers

Was up at 4am working on my Photoshopping board. More spam posts from the same source. I activated the authorizing am pretty sure it is a real person and not a spam bot. And I don't think a spam bot would be back so soon...then could be wrong. I read fast and can zap these very quickly. I will just keep doing that until they get tired of it all. We have a little over 20 members so wonder why anyone would take the trouble to even spam us in the first place. Very strange.

The favorite work of this pill pusher is Viagra. I fixed the board so every time that word is used the board will read iamanidiot.

Now am waiting for Hailey to get ready for school. The news says that the way we usually go is blocked with a very bad accident. A big truck hit a power poll. The driver was arrested for being under the influence. So we need to take off a little early.

Maybe be back a little later.

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