Monday, February 11, 2008

Another Beautiful California Day

All the girls from Hailey's party were picked by parents by ten am yesterday, except for Haley T. She stayed until this afternoon. Today was a school holiday so she got to spend one more over night. Yesterday afternoon, Hailey and Haley had a good time on iTunes spending some of Hailey's birthday money on more songs. Haley is a sweet girl. She had a hearing problem as a child so her speech is sometimes difficult to understand. She laughs a lot. She talks a lot too. She goes to a different school than my Hailey so the girls don't see each other that often.

Went to Walmart to shop and there was a clean cut young man outside trying to get signatures for a petition to prevent gay marriages. I Was just reading that California wants to tax same sex couples. Marriage is messy. Some people are lucky and it all works out, but most marriages are miserable. I cannot understand why any one these days would want to get married! Times were different when I was young. I guess I would do it all over again maybe. Then maybe not. Marriage is important for economic security when raising children. That is different now too. Mom's are expected to earn a paycheck and pay support when a marriage with children self destructs.

Marriage is a romantic ideal that is really all about money.

Last night, I woke up about one am. Two cats were taking up the foot of my bed. When I can't sleep I get on the computer or read. I've been checking my board for the spammer. There he was... same spammer or spam bot using a different name... same stupid movie gif saying "Click to see Movie," as if anyone would. Deleted both post and fake member.

I don't worry when I can't sleep, I just find something to do until I get sleepy again. If I have a tired next day I just go to bed early. It all works out. I don't believe in taking sleeping pills.

The two girls were tired out by this afternoon and both took a nap.

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